All Day

Yom HaZikaron (Jewish)

Yom HaZikaron is Israel’s Memorial Day, observed both in Israel and in many Jewish communities around the world. A day to remember and honor soldiers who lost their lives fighting in […]

Birth of Guru Arjan Sahib (5th Guru) (Sikh)

The fifth Master, Guru Arjan, built the Golden Temple of Amritsar to emphasize that the Sikh way was open to all, regardless of caste; the gurdwara was constructed with doors facing […]

Maidyozarem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Maidyozarem (literally: midgreening) Gahambar is a seasonal festival celebrated in mid-spring. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and […]

Yom HaAtzma’ut (Jewish)

Yom HaAtzma’ut, also known as Israel’s Independence Day, is celebrated on the fifth day of the month of Iyar, which is the Hebrew date of the formal establishment of the State […]

Golden Rule

"Is there any rule that one should follow all of one's life? Yes! The rule of the gentle goodness: That which we do not wish to be done to us, we do not do to others."

- Analectas 15:23
