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Maidyozarem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Maidyozarem (literally: midgreening) Gahambar is a seasonal festival celebrated in mid-spring. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and […]

Yom HaAtzma’ut (Jewish)

Yom HaAtzma’ut, also known as Israel’s Independence Day, is celebrated on the fifth day of the month of Iyar, which is the Hebrew date of the formal establishment of the State […]

Beltane (Pagan)

Beltane: is celebrated on May 1st halfway between Spring Equinox and Summer Solstice. It is the beginning of summer. Among pastoral people this was when the flocks and herds were […]

Shankaracharya Birth Anniversary (Vedanta)

This day marks the birth anniversary of Shankaracharya. Shankara taught nondualistic Vedanta and is revered. For More Information:  

Golden Rule

"That which you do not wish for yourself you shall not wish for your neighbor. This is the whole law; the rest is only commentary."

- Talmud Shabbat 31a
