Yom Ha’shoah (Jewish)

Known in English as Holocaust Remembrance Day, Yom Ha'Shoah commemorates the approximately six million Jews, and five million others who perished in the Holocaust. Shoah in Hebrew means catastrophe. This […]

First Day of Ridvan (The Bahá’í Faith)

1st Day of Festival of Ridvan-**(There are three holy Days as part of the Festival, the first day, the ninth and the twelfth.) The annual Baha'i Festival commemorates the 12 days when Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Faith, publicly proclaimed his mission as God's messenger. Begins at sundown on April 19 and ends at sunset […]

Yom HaAtzma’ut (Jewish)

Yom HaAtzma’ut, also known as Israel’s Independence Day, is celebrated on the fifth day of the month of Iyar, which is the Hebrew date of the formal establishment of the State […]

Maidyozarem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Maidyozarem (literally: midgreening) Gahambar is a seasonal festival celebrated in mid-spring. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and share a simple meal with fellow co-religionists from all walks of life, rich and poor. More Information

First Day of Ridvan (The Bahá’í Faith)

1st Day of Festival of Ridvan-**(There are three holy Days as part of the Festival, the first day, the ninth and the twelfth.) The annual Baha'i Festival commemorates the 12 […]

Mahavir Jayanti (Jain)

Mahavir Jayanti is the anniversary of birth of the 24th and last Tirthankara for the followers of Jain religion and culture, or Lord Mahavir. The festival is celebrated to champion […]

Passover (Jewish)

Passover, known in Hebrew as Pesach, commemorates the liberation of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt. A feast called a seder is held on the first two nights. During the seder, the Exodus […]

9th Day of Festival of Ridvan -(The Bahá’í Faith)

9th Day of Ridvan. There are three holy Days as part of the Festival, the first day, the ninth and the twelfth. The annual Baha'i Festival commemorates the 12 days when Baha'u'llah, the founder of the Faith, publicly proclaimed his mission as God's messenger. Holiday Greeting: Happy Ridvan Work is to be suspended and children […]

Maidyozarem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Maidyozarem (literally: midgreening) Gahambar is a seasonal festival celebrated in mid-spring. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and share a simple meal with fellow co-religionists from all walks of life, rich and poor. More Information

Golden Rule

"Everything you should do you will find in this: Do nothing to others that would hurt you if it were done to you."

- Mahabharata 5:1517
