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Feast of Azamat / Grandeur (Baha’i)

May 16, 2024

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts:

1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for prayer and reflection;

2. A business portion for consultation about administrative issues (plans for forming classes, organizing to perform community service, observing holy days, or any ideas or projects community members wish to discuss. It’s also a time when local members can ask their Local Assembly to forward their concerns to the National Assembly;

3. A social portion that can consist of anything from just glasses of water to a full-course dinner.


May 16, 2024
Event Categories:

Golden Rule

"The successes of your neighbor and their losses will be to you as if they are your own."

- T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien
