Jashan-e Fravardegan (Zoroastrian)
April 8
Jashan-e Fravardegan is a celebration ceremony, a Jashan, performed on Fravardin day of
Fravardin month, in honor of fravashis, the souls of all the righteous people who have ever lived in our world. In Zoroastrianism, we have special prayers dedicated to honoring and remembering with respect and love the souls of our beloved departed as well as all the righteous souls in the universe.
Righteous people with their righteous actions throughout their lives help in progressing our world further. Hence, in this Jashan especially, we show our respect to all such righteous souls who have helped in the progress of our world so far, and we seek their blessings so we too can follow in their footsteps and perform righteous actions to further the progress of our world in our lifetime.