The festival celebrates the birth of Ganesha, the elephant-headed god. The festival is marked with the installation of Ganesh clay idols privately in homes, or publicly on elaborate pandals (temporary stages) with ornate statues. The festival ends on the tenth day with a public procession and immersion of the idols and statues; in Mumbai alone, […]
This day marks the migration Prophet Muhammad took from the cities of Mecca to Medina to protect the faith of Islam. This commemorates the Islamic New Year.
Paitishahem (literally: bringing in the harvest) Gahambar is a harvest seasonal festival. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and share a simple meal with fellow co-religionists from all walks of life, rich and poor. More Information
Guru Angad Dev Ji was originally a humble Sikh named Lehna. Upon meeting the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, his life transformed and he never left the Guru’s side serving the community for many years to follow. When the time came, Guru Nanak approached Lehna and said you have now become a part of me, […]
"Feast day of the patron saint of charitable societies, St. Vincent de Paul is primarily recognized for his charity and compassion for the poor, though he is also known for his reform of the clergy. He was renowned for his compassion, humility and generosity." More Information
Feast Day of St. Francis of Assisi who abandoned a life of luxury for a life devoted to Christianity after reportedly hearing the voice of God, who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church of San Damiano. His angry father disowned and disinherited him because Francis sold some goods from his father’s warehouse and used […]
Ayathrem (literally: bring home the herds) Gahambar celbrates getting ready for winter. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize and share a simple meal with fellow co-religionists from all walks of life, rich and poor. More Information
The festival literally means "nine nights” and is celebrated differently in various parts of India with prayer, elaborate pandals, folk dances, displays of dolls, sharing of sweets and bonfires. It symbolizes the triumph of good over evil; for example, it commemorates the victory of Goddess Durga over the buffalo demon Mahishasura and the restoration of […]
Commemorating the transfer of Guruship from human form to the Word, Shabad. The installation of Guru Granth Sahib, the ultimate compilation containing the Guru’s wisdom, is celebrated with great joy. The last and eternal Guru for the Sikhs is Guru Granth Sahib. It is respected not like a book, but like a true King. All […]