Eid al-Adha (Islam)

This holiday marks the completion of the Hajj or pilgrimage to Mecca and is observed by Muslims to commemorate the faith of Abraham. Students will miss school to attend congregational prayers at the mosque and celebrate the holiday with their families/friends. More Information: Eid al-Adha 101 Islamic Networks Group Holiday Greeting: "Eid Mubarak! (Happy Eid)"

Martyrdom of the Bab (The Bahá’í Faith)

Commemorates the anniversary of the execution of the Bab (Siyyid Ali-Muhammad), the Herald of the Baha'i Faith by firing squad on July 9, 1850 in Tabriz Iran Work is to […]

Feast of Kalimat / Words (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Asalha Puja (Buddhism)

Asalha Puja means to pay homage to the Buddha on the full moon day of the 8th lunar month (approximately July). It commemorates the Buddha's first teaching: the turning of the wheel of the Dhamma (Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta) to the five ascetics at the Deer Park (Sarnath) near Benares city, India. Where Kondanna, the senior ascetic […]

Feast of Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (Catholic)

Informally known as Lily of the Mohawks, St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the first Native American saint in the United States. It is said that after her death, the marks on her face from smallpox faded away. St. Kateri Tekakwitha is the patroness of ecology and the environment, as well as people in exile and Native […]

Birth of Guru Harkrishan (8th Guru) (Sikh)

Guru Harkrishan is the eighth and youngest of the Sikh Gurus. In 1663, Guru Harkrishan was in Delhi when the cholera and smallpox epidemic broke out. He served and tended to the sick with complete love and devotion at the young age of seven. Soon after, he became sick himself and passed away at the age […]

Pioneer Day (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints)

Pioneer Day commemorates the arrival of the first group of Latter-day Saint pioneers to the Salt Lake Valley, on July 24, 1847.  In Utah it is an official state holiday, and the associated celebration, including a parade, is referred to as Days of ’47.  It is a time for recognizing all people who have contributed to building […]

Jashan-e Amardad (Zoroastrian)

Jashan-e Amardad is a celebration ceremony, a Jashan, performed on Amardad day of Amardad month, in honor of Amardad, a Pehlavi name derived from the ancient Avestan term “Ameretat” from the Gathas of Zarathushtra. Ameretat, according to Zarathushtra, is that attribute of Ahura Mazda which represents "deathlessness" and "immortality." Together with Haurvatât, it is the […]

Golden Rule

"Do not offend others as you would not want to be offended."

- Udanavarga 5:18
