Unitarian Universalism is a liberal religious tradition, founded in America in 1794. In sixteenth-century Transylvania, Unitarian congregations were established for the first time in history. These churches continue to preach the Unitarian message in present-day Romania. Like their heretic forebears from ancient times. these liberals could not see how the deification of a human being or the simple recitation of creeds could help them to live better lives. They said that we must follow Jesus, not worship him.
Today there are almost 200,000 UUs worldwide: people of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs. They are brave, curious and compassionate thinkers and doers. They create spirituality and community beyond boundaries, working for more justice and more love in their own lives and in the world. UUs may be atheists, Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Humanist, Jewish, Muslim, Pagan or agnostic. UUs have been on the forefront of LGBTQ inclusion for more than 40 years, and are people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.
Unitarian Universalism affirms and promotes seven Principles, grounded in the humanistic teachings of the world’s religions. UU spirituality is unbounded, drawing from scripture and science, nature and philosophy, personal experience and ancient tradition.
The 7 Unitarian Universalist principles:
- The inherent worth and dignity of every person
- Justice, equity and compassion in human relations
- Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations
- A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
- The right of conscience and the use of the democratic progress within our congregation and in society at large
- The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all
- Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part
Seven days a week, Unitarian Universalists (UUs) live their faith by doing. Whether in community with others or as individuals, UUs know that active, tangible expressions of love, justice, and peace are what make a difference. Embracing peace, love, and understanding that goes beyond individual belief systems, UUs are creators of positive change in people and in the world. Worship and inspiration occur on Sunday mornings and beyond. Action and service work for justice. Connection and caring includes small groups for adults, youth, families and children. Celebrations and rites of passage include weddings, memorials/funerals coming-of-age and child dedications.
There are 1070 UU congregations worldwide; 7 of these churches and fellowships are in the Greater Cincinnati area.
The symbol of Unitarian Unitarianism is the flaming chalice.
The UUA is headquartered in Boston MA.
For more information, contact www.uua.org or info@uua.org