Feast of Masail/ Questions (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Feast of Sharaf / Honor (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Feast of Sultan/Sovereignty (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. Observance begins at sunset on the 18th and ends at sunset on the 19th. This is […]

Feast of Mulk / Dominion (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Feast of ‘Ala’ / Loftiness (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. Observance begins at sunset on the 1st and ends at sunset on the 2nd. The month […]

Month of Fasting Begins (Baha’i)

Baha’is observe a 19-day month of fasting that culminates at sunset on the day of the spring equinox, which lands either on March 20 or 21. Baha’is abstain from food […]

Naw-Ruz (The Bahá’í Faith)

Baha'i New Year coincides with spring equinox. Ancient Persian festival celebrating "new day". For Bahai's it marks end of the annual 19 day Fast. End of Fast and is all […]

Feast of Baha / Splendor (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Feast of Jalal / Glory (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. Observance begins at midnight on April 7th. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. […]

Golden Rule

"Everything you should do you will find in this: Do nothing to others that would hurt you if it were done to you."

- Mahabharata 5:1517
