Lammas also called Loafmas or Lughnassadh, after a Celtic God Lugh, is celebrated July 31st or August 1st. The days shorten but the weather is still warm. This is the first harvest and celebrates the grains harvested for the baking of bread. More Information
Tisha B’Av is the annual fast day commemorating the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the land of Israel. Over the centuries, other tragic events have come to be commemorated on this day, including the massacres of the Crusades, the Jewish expulsion from Spain, […]
Today marks the first of ten days of commemoration, at the end of the Zoroastrian year. During this time, the community commemorates and remembers fravarshis (departed souls) with fresh flowers and a lighted oil lamp. Homes and temples are thoroughly cleaned; for it is believed that the fravashis visit the physical world during this time, […]
Also called Rakhi or Rakhi Purnima, this day celebrates the bonds between sisters and brothers. Sisters of all ages tie a sacred thread, called the rakhi, around the wrists of their brothers, symbolically protecting them, and in return they receive a gift from their brothers. Traditionally, brothers also promise to take a share of the […]
Pateti (literally: penitence) is the last day of the Parsi Zoroastrian year. It is a day for a person to reflect on their thoughts, words and deeds of the previous year and to repent for those that were not good. The repentance allows dedicating the new year to good thoughts, words and deeds in a […]
The feast day of the Assumption of Mary celebrates the Christian belief that God assumed the Virgin Mary into Heaven, body and soul, following her death. More Information
Weeks before Navroze, homes are given a cleaning and festive foods are prepared. The arrival of the new year is celebrated by prayers at the Fire temple (Atashbehram) followed by a special meal shared with family. More Information Holiday Greeting: Navroze Mubarak Children may miss school to celebrate with families
Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for prayer and reflection; 2. A business portion for consultation about administrative issues (plans for forming classes, organizing to perform community service, observing holy days, or […]
Birth anniversary of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster), the founder of Zoroastrianism. Zoroastrians gather in Fire temples for prayers and then celebrate with a family feast. More Information
Paryushan is a time (period) for self-analysis and soul searching, for reflecting and contemplating on past conduct, in light of the teachings of Jainism and re-dedication to leading a spiritually cleaner life in the future. An important day is the last day of Paryushan (Shwetambar sect), or Saṃvatsarī (Sanskrit: संवत्सरी) (Forgiveness Day), when Jains forgive and seek forgiveness for […]