Feast of Izzat / Might (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Paitishahem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Paitishahem (literally: bringing in the harvest) Gahambar is a harvest seasonal festival. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, fraternize […]

GurGaddi of Guru Angad Sahib (2nd Guru) (Sikh)

Guru Angad Dev Ji was originally a humble Sikh named Lehna. Upon meeting the founder of Sikhism, Guru Nanak, his life transformed and he never left the Guru’s side serving […]

Autumn Equinox – Mabon (Pagan)

Autumn Equinox or Mabon is celebrated September 21st or 22nd. This is second harvest and is the witches Thanksgiving. This is a time of appreciation, reflection, and preparation for winter. […]

Navaratri (Hindu)

The festival literally means “nine nights” in Sanskrit and occurs over ten days and nine nights.  It is celebrated differently in various parts of India with prayer, elaborate pandals (platforms), […]

Erev (eve of) Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)

This evening is the beginning of Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year. This holiday begins the period of the High Holy Days, which are widely observed by Jews around the […]

Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)

Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year. This holiday begins the period of the High Holy Days, which are widely observed by Jews around the world. It is both a time of […]

Feast of Mashiyyat / Will (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Golden Rule

"The successes of your neighbor and their losses will be to you as if they are your own."

- T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien
