Feast of Masail/ Questions (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Yule (Pagan)

Yule or Winter Solstice is celebrated around December 21st or 22nd and is the first pagan holiday celebrated after the ending of the old year. This is the longest night […]

Yalda (Zoroastrian)

Yalda is a winter solstice celebration. Friends and family gather on this longest and darkest night of the year to eat and celebrate late into the night, around a fire […]

Zarathosht-no-Diso (Parsi Zoroastrian)

Death anniversary of Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) the founder of Zoroastrianism. It is a day of special prayers, with lectures and discussions held on the life and works of the prophet. There […]

Feast of Sharaf / Honor (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. This is a members-only event comprising three parts: 1. A spiritual portion that’s the time for […]

Gahambar Maidyarem (Zoroastrianism)

Maidyarem (literally: Winter) Gahambar is a seasonal feast celebrated on the winter solstice. It is considered a religious duty to participate in a communal jashan prayer ceremony; as well as, […]

Golden Rule

"The successes of your neighbor and their losses will be to you as if they are your own."

- T'ai-Shang Kan-Ying P'ien
