Jashan-e Spandarmad (Zoroastrian)

Jashan-e Spandarmad is a celebration ceremony, a Jashan, performed on Spandarmad day of Spandarmad month, in honor of Spandarmad, a Pehlavi name derived from the ancient Avestan term ‘Spenta Armaiti’ […]

Saka Nankana Sahib (Sikh)

The Nankana massacre (or Saka Nankana) took place in Nankana Sahib gurdwara on 20 February 1921, at that time of British India, in modern-day Pakistan. More than 260 Sikhs were killed, including children as young as seven, […]

Ayyam-i-Ha or Intercalary Days (The Bahá’í Faith)

Ayyam-i-Ha or " Days of God" are devoted to spiritual preparation for the upcoming 19 Day Fast, hospitality, charity, and gift giving. They are celebrated during the four days (five […]

Feast of ‘Ala’ / Loftiness (Baha’i)

Wherever they live, Baha’is gather every 19 days for what we call a Feast. Observance begins at sunset on the 29th and ends at sunset on the 1st. The month […]

Month of Fasting Begins (Baha’i)

Baha’is observe a 19-day month of fasting that culminates at sunset on the day of the spring equinox, which lands either on March 20 or 21. Baha’is abstain from food […]

Feast of Saint Katharine Drexel (Catholic)

Katharine Drexel is the second American-born saint to be canonized by the Catholic Church and is considered the patron saint of racial justice and philanthropists. She was an American heiress, […]

Ramadan Begins (Islam)

This evening begins the the holy month where Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset for 30 days, abstaining from food and drinks. More Information Holiday Greeting: Ramadan Mubarak There are […]

Hamaspathmaidyem Gahambar (Zoroastrian)

Commemoration and remembrance of all departed souls. Homes and temples are thoroughly cleaned; for it is believed that the souls of departed loved ones (fravashis) visit the physical world during […]

Feast of St. Joseph (Catholic)

This is the feast day of Joseph, a carpenter who was the stepfather of Jesus and husband of Mary. He is the patron saint of the Universal Church. Traditionally it […]

Golden Rule

"Do not offend others as you would not want to be offended."

- Udanavarga 5:18
